Kamis, 11 April 2013

solar power scooter from india

Indians re-innovate. Two brothers from India to convert itself into a motor scooter environmentally friendly solar-powered motors. As reported by AFP on Wednesday (01/06/2011), Ayub Khan Pathan and his cousin Imran Khan Pathan working on a solar-powered electric motor scooters it for 3 years. Solar cell was put in place at the front of the motor on the front wheels precisely. These solar cells then transmit that energy to charge their batteries placed near the rear wheel. To fully charge the battery, the motor is quite muted in the hot sun for 3 hours. But if there is no sun, this motor can be recharged via a regular power socket that is used to charge laptops, mobile phones, or other electrical equipment. How it performs? Motorcycle for 27,000 rupees, or about USD 5.2 million can be driven up to 60 km in a single charge the battery. Job is a scholar who is concerned with solar energy since 1990. Ayub and his brother were now trying patented motor scooters sun energy which is claimed to be the first in India. Going forward, they will try to reduce the weight of the vehicle by using solar LED, indicator and brake indicator light that can only reduce weight up to 25-30 kg.

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